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Ep. 47 Linda Holtz - From France to U.S. Real Estate Success and AI Innovations
Join us for a captivating conversation with Linda Holtz of M2RE, as she shares her incredible journey from France to becoming a successful real estate investor in the U.S. Linda's expertise in property management has been instrumental in her focus on multifamily value-add opportunities in Houston, Texas, and her recent exploration of new development retail centers. She offers invaluable insights on aligning investments with personal values, ensuring quality housing, and building strong relationships with investors—all while maintaining a strategic focus on the Texas Triangle and beyond, including the promising market in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
We'll also explore the transformative impact of AI in real estate, where technology complements and enhances our unique narratives. With an eye on 2025, Linda and I discuss potential opportunities in the multifamily and commercial sectors, emphasizing the need for strategic planning and psychological resilience. Coaching has played a pivotal role in overcoming fears and embracing the freedom to live life fully, both in terms of time and location. Don’t miss this episode, where Linda’s story inspires us to connect with our passions and loved ones while thriving in the ever-evolving landscape of real estate.
Welcome to Heather Ewing, the CRE Rundown. Today I have Linda Holds of M2RE, which is married to real estate. Why wouldn't you want to be right so welcome?
Speaker 2:Thank you so much, Heather. Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.
Speaker 1:My pleasure. So we're just connecting for the first time, which is exciting as well. I was through your LinkedIn profile and you came highly recommended. Thank you, I appreciate that. Yeah, definitely, if you could share with our community a little bit more about yourself and what you do.
Speaker 2:Absolutely so. Originally I'm from France. I've been in the US a little bit over 10 years now, and most of that decade I spent in property management. Originally, I'm from France. I've been in the US a little bit over 10 years now. Most of that decade I spent in property management. That's actually how I entered the realm of real estate investments. I first started on the residential side, like a lot of people in commercial. Now recently, about a year ago, I started my company, married to real estate, with my husband, because when we opened it we were newlyweds, so real estate has kind of always been in between us. He has background in property management as well. We kind of started investing around the same time, and so because of that, because of our commitment to it, that's where the name came from. And now what we do is we focus on multifamily value add opportunities, which, funny enough, right now we're on a deal that's completely different. But our role is just to bring investors and show them the way to building financial wealth, like we're doing.
Speaker 1:Very nice. So in addition to multifamily, are there other asset classes that you enjoy? You sounded like you had your toes dipping into another pool.
Speaker 2:Yes, completely by accident, One of the teams that we connected with months ago, who does also specialize in multifamily, so we have been in touch with them a lot about that, but their latest project that we happen to get on is actually a new development retail center. So now we're getting a little bit into that, which is always exciting. It's exciting to do something new and it's exciting to kind of, like you said, dip our toes into the retail world as well.
Speaker 1:Definitely that's my world, so something that's near and dear to my heart. Yeah, so, as far as you're investing, are you cause I understand you're in Houston, texas? Are you investing in that area or specific States? What's, what's your plan on that?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we definitely want to focus on the Texas triangle, being in Houston, having easy access to Dallas, and then the Austin San Antonio area, that's that's where we would love to remain. Right now we're focusing on the investor relations side of things, but due to our background, we would love to get more involved with asset management and so because of that, it's also very convenient to invest in our backyard, so that property is 20 minutes from our house and ideally we want to stay on that as far as being active, but one of our first passive investment was actually in Tulsa, oklahoma, so we're not afraid to kind of expand a little bit.
Speaker 1:Definitely Well, and there's pros and cons right for having something in your backyard and also something that is further away, with a triple net asset, for example. Two people come to mind, so I want to do a little name dropping. One is Will Curtis, so he does property management too, so I could see some great synergies for you guys there. And the other is Alex Rodriguez, a good friend of mine in beautiful Cali, and he does the full triple net leases, so it's fully transferred through, so I'll connect you with him too after the podcast. But to your point, yeah, there's, there's so many different ways of going about it, different opportunities, and wouldn't you say it's really connected to your personality and what you enjoy.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. Yes, I mean for us again. We would love to get more acclimated with the asset management side of things in the future, because we care, we want to get on projects that we actually want to follow through with. We want to get to know our residents. We're doing this for two reasons we really want to help our investors develop a better future for themselves and for their family, but we also believe in the power of providing good housing to people who are renting, whether it's by choice or not. So, yeah, it's very important for us to be working on projects that are dear to our hearts. So it's awesome, definitely.
Speaker 1:Definitely, and I would anticipate, during the challenging moments in markets right, that that's probably a fuel for you in overcoming any obstacles and things of that nature.
Speaker 2:Yes, I think that real estate is so much more than just returns, and when you are part of something that's more about legacy and leaving something behind, that helps you definitely to get through the bad parts. I mean, when you know people that you're working with, when you know their family, when their goals are your goals, then, yes, you push through, whatever happens.
Speaker 1:Definitely, which brings us right into the arena of mindset. What would you say have been one or two really great resources in your tool belt that has helped you with mindset and seeing different matters through?
Speaker 2:Yes, that's a great question. So right now I am working with a coach, so shout out to Chris Frogwell, who actually introduced us, uh, for today. So hi, chris. Um, and for me it was very important to work with him because, um, I think it's good to develop your craft in terms of like skills, like skill set, like communication, time management, looking at numbers, how to do branding, marketing, all these kinds of things. The reason why I wanted to work with chris was to develop the psychology aspect of things to to develop my mind, to really go deep into limiting beliefs and like erasing them Right.
Speaker 2:So I think it's very important to work with someone who is exterior to you, ideally a professional who has experience, and one of the reasons I love working with Chris is because he is in our arena. He understands the challenges of our specific industry, so I think that's a plus as well. So, yeah, working with somebody like that, who not necessarily knows you, but knows what you're doing and is able to bring that outside perspective, is very, very valuable. And then another thing that I do a lot is gratitude. I think that, at the end of the day, the best way to develop your mindset is to be happy for what you already have. If you come from a place of negativity and not appreciating what's already on your plate, you can't grow it Right.
Speaker 2:That would be like yeah, exactly so.
Speaker 1:so on those moments when you're just feeling like I call it, I refer to it as when you feel like you've you know you've lost the mojo. You feel like you're in the gutter. What's one or two things to help snap?
Speaker 2:And so that's one thing where we're like the destination is the journey, and it's like every opportunity to remind ourselves why are we going through this? There's gotta be a lesson. We may not see it right now, but let's embrace it anyway. Let's make sure that we're still having fun, we're still learning from it. I think that's very important. It's just to stop and smell the roses and tell yourself that's very important is just to stop and smell the roses and tell yourself there's got to be a reason.
Speaker 1:So we're okay, we're fine, exactly Like it's your setup right To something greater, and I think you know it's. It's interesting too, because I'm a big believer in gratitude and also writing it out. There's something about a pen or pencil on paper that really does feel different than just typing something or thinking about it and letting it float through. So I frequently see it as the yellow brick road that you're going down right and kind of like you had mentioned, with those different limiting beliefs of when our mind is filled with those deep potholes, we don't have room for new information. So to your point. That's so critical and you know I'm glad that you're sharing that because a lot of people like to just push these things to the past, because it's in the past but it's probably affecting you now in a big way that you don't even realize. So take the time to excavate, clear it out and 200% ahead, right.
Speaker 2:Yes, and I totally agree with you on the power of writing. I mean, one of the best investment that I made in myself this year and it's going to sound small, but it's a planner that has those manifestation or law of attraction section in it so that I can look at my day and plan my day, but it also, like, has those little things for what are you grateful for today? Or what did you learn, or how can you improve tomorrow, what is a quote that you want to live by today? I think that all of those are very important, as you mentioned, to write down, not just to look at, not just to think like, oh yeah, what's an affirmation I can think about?
Speaker 1:I'll just, I'll just think about it at lunch. It's like no, be intentional, write, write it down, live in the present, definitely. That's like someone was talking about 20 robins too, and I guess he has an exercise that he asked people to look at everything red in the room right and then you close your eyes and then he says now point out all the green things in the room right.
Speaker 1:The premise essentially that what you're focusing on is where your attention and energy is going, and you're not going to see what's already in that room because you're not looking for it.
Speaker 1:And you know that really struck me because I thought of so many earlier years in entrepreneurship, which started in 2007 for me. So it's been a long time, an interesting, winding journey. Thank God for commercial real estate, but with that it just was so. It was that big epiphany that just like hits your heart and it's like, oh my God, you realize all those years where you're kind of I almost want to say, vacant. Right, you were working, you were striving, you were pushing, but it's like, oh, Heather, honey, if you can only go back. But that's where I see it as my personal mission, similar to you, Linda, of sharing with people what worked, what didn't. You know like, don't get stuck in the pitfalls that I was for a few years when you can be out of it in a month or two months. So there's a lot of rich learnings that why should everyone pay the price when you already did?
Speaker 2:And one thing that I'll add to that is, if you're on the other side, if you're on the side of like, wanting to share, don't be, don't be afraid to do it, because everybody else is doing it. Because one thing that I heard recently on a networking call was nobody's heard it from you and you might say it in a way that's different, your story might illustrate in a way that's different. So, yeah, I'm big into learning right now. Share your story. It will help someone.
Speaker 2:Even if your story is like the same as a hundred thousand other people, it doesn't matter. Share it anyway.
Speaker 1:Right? No, it's so true, and that's something I used to be hung up on as well of it's already out there, it's been said. But I agree, we all connect differently and you can talk the same subject to different people and have a very different experience. And I think that's where I feel really fortunate with my podcast is there's a lot of similar questions, but I go off on different tangents with each person, because that's where the energy and the conversation is going, and so each is like this great chocolate in the box of chocolates that you never know what you're going to get exactly, which is fun.
Speaker 2:That's very true. I like that analogy yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So now, where do you see AI playing into business and real estate?
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, I love this question.
Speaker 2:I I was definitely one of those people who thought, hey, there's a human touch to everything. But I think that AI has done a beautiful job and when I say AI, I don't know who it is the powers of AI out there but I think that there's been a beautiful job done about keeping it human and making sure that you are able to use it but then also retain your voice, your story, your brand, your whatever it is that you're working on, continuing to work, like I said, on those products that still mean something beyond the numbers, beyond the computer. So I do think that it's only going to get better. I do see where some people are afraid of it. There are certain aspects of it where I'm like am I a little too far? But no, I think that overall, it's a great blessing. And and yeah, I think it's I was actually talking to another one of my coaches last night and I was telling him I talk to my like it's my friend. That way, if it does revolt one day, it won't come up to me.
Speaker 1:Keep a solid relationship, whether it's internal or with your AI double right.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:Definitely so. Now we're on the cusp of 2025. What do you anticipate for multifamily or real estate and journal as we venture into the next 12 months?
Speaker 2:So I think that I'm hoping that 2025 is going to be that not boom, but we're finally going to see those opportunities that people were expecting in 2024.
Speaker 2:That may not have happened right away, especially in multifamily and when it comes to apartment complexes in particular. Obviously, commercial real estate includes a lot of other things, like office spaces or industrial storage or things like that, and I think that we have realized over the last couple of years that people still need to rent and there are industries that are suffering, there are loans that were coming due and everybody was thinking, oh my gosh, we're going to buy properties, you know, off of the sidewalk at discounted prices. I'm not so surprised now, looking back at the year, that it didn't happen, but I do think that is going to gradually happen, starting in 2025. And, on the long run, I also don't think that it's going to happen overnight, and that's why I'm not so surprised that it didn't happen all at once in 2024. I think that, yes, people still need to rent. I think that lending institutions out there don't want to be landlords.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And I think that this year they were maybe a little nicer than what we thought they were going to be or whatever it is that happened. But in 2025, I think a lot of things will unlock for sure, and I also believe that some sellers who are ready to sell had different expectations of the market the last couple of months I mean when I say couple, I mean the last 12 months I think there was still a lot of hope from those sellers to still come out on top and for some, hopefully they will, but for others, 2025 is going to be the time to face reality.
Speaker 1:Right, the true takedown, but here's an interesting question for you. So if you were to look, reflect back on the past five plus years, what's a piece of advice you would have given yourself for here today and forward? Stop being scared yeah, go for it. No, and what would you say has helped you in moving beyond the fear and taking that next step?
Speaker 2:Getting coaches, I think getting that extra person who and maybe that's why I didn't do it until jumping into commercial because in residential it may not be as justifiable right To have different coaches for different things when you're only buying one single family home, I don't know but when I got to the commercial side and I realized this is now a team game and we have to play according to that, to those rules, and that means we have to be properly equipped. We have to get coaching and I say we a lot, since I work with my husband, right, but yes, getting that coaching is what really helped me, not necessarily to learn more, of course it did. But the reason why that's my answer to your question is because it helped me to have that exterior perspective of what are you waiting for? Why are you not going for it? Why are you like self-doubting when there's no reason to?
Speaker 1:Exactly. It's the power of someone's belief in you. Right, that sometimes makes it easier to adopt ourselves, and I know I had an experience like that many years ago too, in my early days of commercial. But yeah, it is a fascinating realm. So here's the final hard hitting question I'm ready, yeah, yeah. What does living fully mean to you, linda?
Speaker 2:I love it. So to me so I'm not being from this country to me, living fully means living on your own terms, specifically in my situation, being able to see my family and my friends whatever I want. That is a big reason why I got into real estate in the first place and then eventually switched to commercial, because I never want to be tied to my phone, I never want to be tied to a desk, I never want to be tied to a bank account. I mean, there's a lot of high earners out there who do make a lot of money and it's great, but for me, it's about the time freedom. More than anything. It's about the location freedom. It's about being able to spend time with the people you love. Whether it's friends, family, partners, it doesn't matter. But being able to do that wherever you are and wherever they are, being able to visit back and forth and spending time doing things that you love with your children, with people in past generations all of that, that's what living fully means to me.
Speaker 1:Excellent, I love it. And, on that note, how can people connect with you?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so you got my QR code right here. Oh, this side I do that a lot, so if you scan that, it takes you straight to my Calendly, so feel free to book some time. Let's have virtual coffee. As I said, I like to offer thanks to lattes. If it's our first time connecting, for a quick 15 minutes, I'll send you a $5 Starbucks gift card just to thanks. A latte, you, that's great.
Speaker 1:I love it.
Speaker 2:Thank you and of course. I'm on under Linda Holtz, and our website married the number to realestatecom. So yeah, find me anytime. I'm looking forward to connecting.
Speaker 1:Linda, so nice connecting with you today, thank you, and I'm eager to connect you with others in our community as well.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much. I appreciate that it was great to meet today.
Speaker 1:Bye-bye.